Who is an Ideal Entrepreneur Under Ukumbi for the Entrepreneur

A Word from the CEO

Dear Readers,

One of my favorite African proverbs says “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. This resonates with me and especially through my journey in the conception of UKUMBI for the Entrepreneur.

As we celebrate a few months into the launch of our programs, I can’t help but reflect on the road that got us here. Kicking off our programs in Uganda on the 1st day of the lockdown was a thrilling experience and challenging. They say you think best during hard times, and yes; no truer words, we managed to kick start the first UKUMBI for the Entrepreneur cohort and I would really like to thank the team that has worked effortlessly to see to it that we excel and weather the COVID-19 storm to actually kick off. I look forward to seeing what the next months hold instore for the entrepreneurs on board, not forgetting the volunteer consultants who give their time unconditionally to walk the journey with the entrepreneurs;

Thank you so much to everyone who has started this exciting journey with us. I look forward to witnessing the growth of our entrepreneurs. Let’s go far by going together!


VC Corner

Jaquelynn Mateluna
Chief of Staff, Lufa Farms (urban farm-to- table e-commerce company) Based in Montreal, Canada

She's juggling two jobs but still has time for impact
Jacquelynn Mateluna is an Impact maker. She works at a sustainable-friendly company and dived knee- deep into her volunteer consulting role with UKUMBI, driven by her passion to drive impact within her community and beyond. When asked how she juggles all these responsibilities, she humbly attributes her success to google calendar. We all know, while google is great, such commitment comes from a high level of discipline and agility to drive results. Watching her interact with her entrepreneur, with such patience and professionalism is inspiring and a motivation to us at UKUMBI to continue growing the community of impact-makers.

Cheers to Jacquelynn!!!

UKUMBI trailblazer

Engaging the community to build a cosmetic empire.

Christine Iyura has a dream of opening a cosmetic company using local materials to make her products. As a community builder, she found a way to merge her vision with trying to improve the lives of those around her. She envisions this venture will be a job creator and supply chain contributor. A key factor to a successful entrepreneur is the ability to be a fast learner. As part of the learning process, a sense of curiosity that prompts you to ask questions and share ideas to solicit feedback is paramount. Christine has these qualities in spades - She’s always reaching out and asking to learn from the team. Her consultant describes her as “inventive - always inspiring to work with a person who has out the box ideas”.


About UKUMBI for the Entrepreneur

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Plot 6 Kaduyu Rd

Kiwatule | Kampala-Uganda



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